Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007
And comin' off the line when the light turns green....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Guess I'd better hurry up-
The prize is 200.00. I don't really want to win the prize, I want to win a goodie basket instead. At any rate, I need to hurry up and KNIT something to enter. Quick, like a damned bunny. I "lost" my blue Barbara, and spent Christmas Day hunting her down. I found her last night (Oh, I need to organize my stash!!!) So I have 1/2" of project cast on, and a LOT of deadline knitting to do!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Texas Two-step

and two:

Elann Highland Wool (4 balls) and Lion Brand Fun Fur (1 ball). Began 25 Dec, finished today! Fiber Trends Alpine Boot pattern. This project was "good stuff"! They are drying NOW!
These aren't for me....there's a January birthday in Colorado. Judging from the weather, I'll bet she wishes she had them now.
Not knitting!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007
I SHOULD be ashamed of you
Sunday, December 23, 2007
And now, for MY knitting pleasure
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Just under the wire-

You might remember the Wren-Along from May. I whined. I complained. But I knit the whole thing up like a good girl.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Not child friendly-
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Packages from afar-

DH's "I bought you a present" came in the other day. It was broken. My gift is to fix the problem, I think. You can see it in its glory here; the style is Lubeck. We searched thru the packaging to find the missing arms, tendrils, whatever you want to call them. They aren't there. So two of the arms are half arches. Looks dumb.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So what it it about this guy, anyhow?

Monday, December 17, 2007
'S embarrassing....
BTW, I didn't smoke at all today. AT ALL. Not one. Kinda weird going to dinner and not sitting in the bar or running outside afterwards.
Ate like a bastard, tho.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Guess who's coming to dinner?

Last week I was making a steamer for one customer, and a single-cup for her fussy husband. The big burly guy (that usually comes in with his 'oh, for God's sake, honey, put a bra on' wife) came in and was standing at the register. The espresso machine sprung a leak. Big burly got a cup and was tapping it on the counter. I almost SCREAMED. And next time, I will just tell him about it.
On the knitting front, it's actually going pretty well-the VKFTCI is almost done.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
So how much DOES it cost to help someone keep their job this Christmas?

I am proud to live in a country of people who will stretch a little to keep a company like Fenton going. In no way do I think my post really affected their survival, but if it made you reconsider when you made your Christmas shopping list, I think I did well.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I think this is funny-
Edward Scissorhands vs. Sweeny Todd-hmmm, the same lead actor, the same director. Same make-up artist, apparently.
It's the closing of the year, the finishing of old...
In other news, a dear friend is closing a year and a half of hell.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Hey, remember these-

Thursday, December 06, 2007
O, the horror!

I've been working on "Knitting that must not be named" for a while now. I swear, it's sapping my will to knit-I haven't even cheated on it. Last night I pulled out my entrelac jail project. Ahhhh. I just knit. And knit. And knit. I know it's dull, but I made progress. And progress has been very slow on "KTMNBN". The reason? It's a bad pattern. And I don't think I'm whining; I know I am a competent knitter. It came with the disclaimer "for the virtuoso knitter". I'll say. A freaking virtuoso clairevoyant knitter. Because someone didn't bother writing a decent pattern!
What contributes to a bad pattern? A complicated pattern is not the same thing-Dale makes complicated patterns, but the instructions are pretty clear-just complex. A bad pattern is the result of a combinations of many things.
Bad photography-if you can't see understand your knitting, and have a question, refer to the photo. But if the model' arm is twisted behind her back, and her hair covers that seam that you want to look at, or there is no view of the tricky part, it's useless. The more I knit, the more I think some of those photos are intentionally posed to hide an unholy mess.
Obfuscated instructions---for example, my sleeve increases must be worked in at point X. Very nice, but point X occurs 5 times on each sleeve, and not necessarily together. So exactly where DO my increases go?
Knitbabble. I worked a two row pattern for three inches before I got fed up and charted it out. Whew. Big help. Now I see it. I needed the overview.
Things that don't work, don't look like the picture, give inaccurate yarn requirements, or don't have the correct stitch count.
"Repeat as for left side, reversing shaping" or "work pattern as for the front" ---these are useless if the reference point was WRONG.
So what makes a good pattern?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The festival of lights-
I went to go look up the lyrics to a Hanukkah song I learned in grade school, and couldn't find the song at all, so you'll have to make do with ol' Adam.
And I will write the lyrics out-so they DO exist on the internet. I have no idea what the name of this song is.
Tis the week of Hannukah, good cheer we are bringing,
This holiday we celebrate with dancing and singing,
Gather 'round together the Horah we'll do,
Then join in the song that our forefathers knew.
But hush now, and come now,
the candles we light one by one.
And then hear the story of God and his Glory,
and how precious freedom was won.
Enjoy the candles, enjoy your treats. Hope the song is ok, don't want to upset anyone. My diversity plan is to celebrate EVERYTHING, and damn the torpedos. I don't want to miss anything.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Introducing the IoP
Dear T, of Gryffinitter fame, keeps her Infant of Prague figure on her stove so that she can light a candle as needed. (She has small people in her house, and on the stove is probably the BEST place to burn anything. She doesn't really like to cook, either, LoL.) This evening, it finally dawned on me to ask her WHAT her Infant of Prague looks like.
It looks kind of like this little fella, who I bought in Budapest in 1991 for 25.00 He is Goebel HJ14, and from the trademark, he was made somewhere between 1935 and 1950....judging from the paint style, I would say pre-war.
Put in that perspective, someone had to love him a lot to keep him safe thru the fifty years between the start of WWII and the fall of Communism. He's traveled with me from Hungary to Germany to Alaska to Texas. I know he's been thru a few earthquakes. And TWO military moves.
Ask me why I have this. I don't know why a Japanese Baptist girl from Colorado was traipsing thru Europe, buying Infant of Prague figures. Or holy water fonts. But I did.
T reminded me that when I see my HJ14, who I have rechristened the IoP, I should say a prayer. (IoP-sounds like a union, or a secret society, doesn't it?) Up til now, I looked at him and thought about the day that Judy and I traipsed thru the flea market in Budapest.
I think T is right; prayers are in order. THAT must be why he's been with me for 18 years.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Damn, wish I was clairvoyant. And this designer would stop mumbling. And I wish they hadn't thrown these in nilly-willy. This shit is exhausting.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Come back, we want to look at 'em again.
I got the letter from the University Health System yesterday. 'Member my boobie-squishing last week? I was laughing with T on the phone...SOMEONE still wants pictures of my rack. Apparently the girls are really photogenic. The nerve wracking part about this? They read the films on-site, while you wait. In an ideal world, every test would be done that way, but this isn't an ideal world. This is a hurry up and wait, you are driving me farkin' BANANAS world. Which is why "While you wait" makes me nervous.
My appointment was for next week. I had to change it because Mark goes out of town. So I get to carry more shit in my pockets for longer. Blech.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Getting likkered up to cook!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Might as well decorate
Les gave me an elephant Chia Pet-"I chose this for ya so you can make an elephant sandwich if time gets a little short this season!"
Kelly gave me a copy of the movie Elf-I wanted a knitting elf, but this guy will have to do. As we say, meri kurisumasu.
Marie gave me lingerie.
Debbie gave me socks, of course.
S. left me a pony
Lee gave me a trip! Suzann did too.
Clay bustin' princess, Lisa W., Minnie and Enid each left me a shot of tequila. Enid claims that was the second one she left, but I think she drank it.
Evelyn gave me a new car, because mine got crunched up.
Billie gave me brown shoes that look good on me.
Marcia left me virginity, saying "When I was young, I often worried that Id be chosen for the next immaculate conception, and no one would believe."
Enid had one of these at her blog-I learned from sad experience that I couldn't leave a pony under the tree. Funny. I could leave a book on poop, but no pony.
Be creative. Nothing like a box of rocks and a 50 pound booger on Christmas morning!
Grace noted that the presents seem to be disappearing, and she's right. There's a flaw in the code. But I can still go to the site and see what you left!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Oh, yay, Christmas music!
I don't know why I like it-I think it's because they are devoted to each other.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I think fault finding is generally garbage. Determining whose fault it is usually does not fix it. In this case, you could unravel it back as far as you can go, and still not find the knot in the work, the flaw in the fiber, the unsuitablity of the pattern. But as a whole, the current result is, at first glance, pleasing. And then you look again. And the longer you look, the less you like what you see. You realize what you've been looking at is tromp d' oeil on a pile of crap. There's no one to blame. I suspect that what I see has always been there, but now that it's in different surroundings, the base aspects are flourishing, dominating, and winning.
I used to think that it was funny that I came from a family that feuded so badly, they ripped each other's names out of the family bible. Then again, I used to work with a guy that would say "Sometimes, it just bes that way." Something like that, yeah. It may BE that way, but it doesn't have to BE in my life. So we can make new starts even if it's not New Year's.
And by the way, I am SOOOO not talking about my knitting. Which is aggravating me still, and warranted some frogging, which I did.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Bierocks. Because beer rocks.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Fairy Sprite
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mammograms, and other mindless rambling
I also went to the bookstore and picked up a copy of America's Best Lost Recipes...I checked it out from the library and found two of my favorite recipes-Whacky Cake, and Hot Milk Cake. But I don't really think the recipes were that lost....the recipe for Whacky Cake is one I got in 1978 from a girl who married my foster dad. Her brother married my foster mom. Ok, THAT part is a little whacky, but the recipe still lives in my recipe box. Hot Milk Cake came out of Taste of Home-about 1994, I think. I LOVE that one-very tasty, and I haven't made it in years. But that recipe wasn't really lost either.
So are they trying to tell me that I am old as dirt? Mayonnaise Cake-a friend of mine LOVED that-with 7 minute boiled icing with a tiny bit of peppermint extract in it. He's dead now, but if I made mayonnaise cake, I would make it in exactly that way. Again.
Potica? Made that-it's just pretty.
Maybe this book should be called "You have the recipe for this already, but you can't remember which damned book it's in." I really want to try the recipe for Runsas-beef and cabbage buns with cheese. I think the Midwest in me is starting to show. Anyone ever had those??
It's been a total shit day. I've been trying and trying and trying to get along with someone. Apparently, that's all been for naught, or all because I am nuts; my current stance is I'll do it NOT. Ever. Again. Kiss my ass.
(very colorful paragraph deleted)
Thanks for letting me rant a bit.
The Happy Report-
1) The photo is adhered via a sticker. It's transparent, so in my case, you have to look really hard to see the photo when the bottle does not have anything behind it. The photos on the Clinique site are a little misleading.
2) The transparent sticker, along with its position on the BACK of the bottle means that I will never see my mom's picture without an atomizer stem running thru the middle of it.
Opinion: If you have the technology to make a clear window sticker at home, do it yourself.
Other things that dampen my enthusiasm-family issues have made this one banner freakin' day. I am aggravated beyond belief. And hurt. And angry.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I am not afraid to use this for society's greater good

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Betsy vs. The Color Brown

Wild Fibers contest
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Yarn haul

Buff naked!

As soon as I got home, I put my plan into action. Four packs of Black Cherry, one of Naranja-Tamarindo, one of Strawberry, and one of Kiwi-Watermelon (which promised a neon drink) Koolaid.
BTW-note to enquiring minds-they shed in the spring, so fleece picking can't happen until February or so.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
What's it cost to give someone their job for Christmas?

Earlier this week, I was at the local Healthy Woman gala. Someone walked up to our table and said "So and so is going to lose her job at the Senior Center because they don't have enough members." There was, of course, some conversation back and forth about who to see, and what the membership fee was (15.00). One of the ladies at my table said "Heck, I'll join if it means she gets to keep her job." Well put. I was trying to figure out how to buy a membership-and I'm not old enough to be a member. (Nothing like getting carded when you are near your 50s, eh?)
This morning, I heard Aqua Dots moved from the "Hot Christmas Toy" list to the "recalled piece of crap imported from China" list. I was surprised-just a few months ago, these made it to the hot Christmas toy list-and now they've been recalled because the coating on them cause comas or seizures if kids ingest it. Yet another toy from China recalled this year. Those struck a chord with me because I considered getting them for DGD. I would have felt like hell if I bought a toy that put my grandchild in the hospital.
I made a donation to A4 this year, so some little Afghan kid will be warm. I donated canned goods to my local church this afternoon, so the Thanksgiving food baskets will have a few extra peas and carrots to go around. There's a lot to be done for people near and far.
Two days ago, I found myself browsing expensive lumps of glass because the Fenton Art Glass company announced their closure plans about 10 weeks ago. They've been going for over 100 years, made it through the Depression and two World Wars, but can't beat this economy. I bought. It might not make a difference, but maybe it will help someone hang on to his/her job a little longer. I figured my chunk of change might not be all that significant, so I did a little letter writing. If Fenton products were mentioned by Martha Stewart, Oprah, Country Living, and the like, maybe a few people could keep their jobs. Fenton can probably use all the help they can get.
Maybe there's a (US or Canadian) company on the brink, something that you like or that supports your local economy. Maybe all they need is a little publicity. Spend the "stuff I am not going to buy because it was made in China and has been recalled" money to help someone here keep her job. The alternative is unemployment, and THAT's expensive.
Happy Christmas
I love personal gifts. I hate gift cards and canned gifts. I was never so disgusted at Christmas as I was the first year I was in Germany. I stood in line to buy local currency at the bank, I hurried downtown to shop before the stores closed at noon on Saturday, I stood in line to mail gifts. We got a Hickory Farms gift box. Blah.
I work hard to find just the right thing. The digital age offers a lot of possibilities....especially for those 20 somethings. A new copy of Oprah came in yesterday, and the press for Clinique Happy caught my eye. You can upload a photo and put it on a bottle! How cool is that?
I used Grandma and DGD photos. I should have them in two weeks. I'll let you know how they turn out.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Stick a needle in my eye

I took a break from entrelac jail for some KNITTING THAT MUST NOT BE NAMED. It's a pattern from a well-known magazine. It's rated at expert. It would not be that hard, except they didn't bother to chart it out. It's one of those evil patterns that have you working your knitting self to death on the right and wrong side rows. While I can figure out what to do on the right side row, I was really struggling with the wrong side. I couldn't find a rhythm.
I was rapidly losing patience, so I sought out knitters graph paper, and just charted both the right and reverse rows. The fiendish eighty stitch pattern was penned into 26 squares, rendering it 2/3rds less powerful. It's docile now, and trudges back and forth from needle to needle.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Oh give me a home....
I am a city girl who knows a lot of country folk. A friend of a friend, who knows someone's son, who is friends with...you know the drill. Anyhow, there are buffalo within a 30 mile radius, and I mentioned that I was interested in the shedded winter coats. There may be an opportunity to go out and harvest some of that fiber in the spring, when they shed/molt/get rid of their winter coats.
I have only seen one large wild creature shed its winter layer, and that was a musk ox at the Anchorage zoo. (Lisa, you ought to talk to them. That's a quiviut-tunity if there ever was one.) The poor guy looked like Bob Marley after a bender. Are shed buff-locks even suitable for spinning? I don't know this answer!!!
I am a little nervous, a little worried about how much buffalo shit I will have to step in to get 10 pounds of buff-locks. Will I just take a roll of garbage bags with me? And is 10 pounds enough? Where will I send it to be processed? Will I add wool? (Yes, probably, because I will probably need fleece helper to yield enough fiber for yarn.) Can you picture it? "Honey, please wade through buffalo shit with me for my birthday..." Can you imagine being charged because you spooked the herd, flapping that dumb Hefty bag in the wind? And snakes. SNAKES!
What processing would I ask for? A 50% 50% blend of Buffalo and Merino? What would THAT look like? Oatmeal colored? Toast? I'd have to knit something for the rancher, because that's just the way things are.
This possibility is a long way from fruition-but there is a possibility on the horizon.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
So now I can kill cats

I'll never forget the first time I fired a weapon. It was in the spring some 25 years ago, and I fired an M-16, thinking "I could hurt someone." As it turns out, I never had to fire at anyone, but I did get damned good at cleaning them. So good, I embarrassed several teen-aged boys during annual qualification, because I can reassemble an M-16 very neatly.
That's all I fired until a few weeks ago. DH found the local range, and I went out there and tried to fire his Dan Wesson. I wasn't all that good, but that's a big gun for my small hands.
He was happy I went out with him. I was happy I finally got to shoot without being timed or someone yelling at me. He was so happy, he bought a Ruger 10-22. He bought THIS and that, and some fashionable hunter accessories, and went out and fired it.
Last weekend, I went out to the range with him. We took turns-5 shots on his target, 5 on mine. Somewhere in the middle of all that, he started making adjustments. "No honey, it shouldn't affect you." Hmmm. I was born at night, but not LAST night. If he is making site adjustments for HIM, it affects me. My accuracy went downhill quickly; I was all over the target.
We got ready to leave, and I resolved to take my time. I was pleased. Ok groupings. I realize it's just a squirrel killer, but I did all right. (shhh-don't tell anyone, but I did better than my spouse!)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
DH poses as Millhouse-
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween humbug-and easy costumes-
I thought about why Halloween has become a spandex and boobs holiday for women. I think it must be because spandex and boobs don't actually need to fit well. And they can be sewn up cheaply. But I am irritated with the skank factor.
So, in the spirit of actually DRESSING UP (as opposed to undressing), here are easy costumes-
1) Fifties girl-plain capris, flat shoes, bobby sox, ponytail, big white shirt and scarf
2) Thing 1 or Thing 2- Red T-shirt and turquoise hair spray. Tease hair. Spray with color, don red shirt.
3) Tea bag-two white garbage bags-fill lightly with grass clippings, leaves or straw. Staple together at shoulders. Add string and tag.
4) Bride of Frankenstein. Tease hair. Put in white racing stripes. Powder face, do makeup as desired. Put on white robe. (Old Princess Lea costume recyling!)
Be something besides a bimbo for Halloween!
Where we play with tams, lace and swirling Autumn leaves

In book two, there is a lace leaf border. I used it as a central motif for my hat. I dug out the tam formulas from an old IWK, and decided on a swirl top. I dorked it slightly, but managed to pull it out successfully. I was supposed to K2tog every row, right before each marker. Unthinking, I worked it like a wheel (every OTHER row) for about 10 rows, then had my DUH! moment. Oooops. It inadvertently added more depth. My hat is REALLY big. 'S ok, my DD has a big ol' head, it will be perfect for her.

I also paired eyelets with the decreases. Every fourth row, I worked a YO K2tog right after the marker, so it added a little laciness to the top.
Knit in Elann SuperKydd, double stranded, carried with a strand of CTH Suri Alpaca laceweight. I think I have enough to make a second hat.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
More stuff I want to keep in mind-

I was cruising Project RunGay and saw these GREAT Catherine Malandrino jackets. Ok, Blogger is being crabby, just click on the bars.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Looky, looky!
Can you find someone YOU know?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Match Game

My sleeves match. Fairly well, actually. I'm sure that would make my sewing teacher proud. I, for one, was relieved that the colors came up right and made matching 'not a pain in the ass'.
The one thing I have noticed about my pattern that bothers me is that my entrelac squares start out at 20 stitches, and get progressively smaller in subequent tiers. But the pattern doesn't tell you HOW to do this without leaving a hole, or having a short side and a reallly long edge. How am I handling it?
I pick up as many stitches as I can fit in the area. On the return, I evenly space my decreases. For example, I might pick up 20, but finish the return row with 18.
To make sure my blocks aren't long skinny ribbons, I work the block as directed until I have two stitches left on the left-hand needle. Then, I slip1, K2tog, Psso. That makes the row count shorter.
I am not sure if they are technically correct, but these seemed like the right methods for this garment. Stay tuned for the results!
Both sleeves-DONE! I have twopointfive complete tiers done, and I am getting ready to start my second hank of Kauni. Do I have enough?????
Friday, October 19, 2007
I think I've found my true calling-
You remember my diatribe about an extra project bag? I got brave and ordered something else from the same company on Oct 9th. On the 10th, they wrote,
Good Afternoon Ms Junior Goddess:
I'm sorry to inform you that we are all sold out of Country Meadow Cedar. Would you like us to fill your order without that item?
I ordered SIX balls of that yarn. Which, according to the website, were all there. Yeah, ok, two oops in a month, from the same company.
Many of you survived Monday's Great Rowan Calmer Famine at Elann. This past week, all four sale colors sold out in three minutes. Three. I tried SO hard to get some, and had to give up, empty handed.
YESTERDAY, someone popped up and said, "Hey, the good place to buy yarn in MA has it on sale." So I skedaddled over and put 12 balls in my cart, hurried and paid. Six of those were for me, and six were for AmyQOY, who was trampled in the Elann Calmer Famine. Fifty-eight remained in stock.
This morning, I got a message from the good place to buy yarn in MA:
Thank you for your order! I am writing to notify you that the 12 skeins of Rowan Yarns Calmer in color 487 that you ordered is currently out of stock. We are anticipating getting some of the yarn back in stock, but we do not know the quantity as of yet. We should know for certain in about a week as to whether we will be receiving more of the Calmer in stock. We will contact you again depending on whether we are able to fill your order or not.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
We greatly apologize for the inconvenience!
I need to be a secret shopper. I spend a lot of money on yarn. This year, Discontinued Name Brand Yarn has about a 35% order fulfillment oops rate. Herrschners has about a 10% rate, and Webs, the same.
The small independent shop I ordered my SeaSilk from has a 100% error rate. I called in my order. Benne called hers in a few hours later. Benne got her yarn a week later. I figured out that there was an error when she called me to tell me about her yarn. Technically, Benne got MY yarn, but it's not her fault that the store sold the same hank to both of us. It took me three months to get all components of my order.
In 2007, the only company with a 0 error rate is Elann. I have heard of very few errors since I started shopping there.
Is it my calling to become a Secret Shopper? Or am I simply taking one for the team?
Still in entrelac jail.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I kept seeing today's date
and wishing you Happy Birthday, Dad. I thought about going out and having a chocolate bar to celebrate your birthday. The first thought that struck me was "You are supposed to be dieting." The second thought I had was "I am still mad about that damned Hershey bar you had the day before you died." That freakin' thing just pissed me off.
Everyone talked about a heart attack, but I read a receipt for a big-assed Hershey bar and the words "complications of diabetes mellitis" on your death certificate.
I know what you were thinking. Chocolate fixes a lot of things. In this case, it both fixed and broke you all at once. I'm still sad about that stupid candy bar.
When it was time to get you ready to go, I didn't know what to do. I made sure that you had your cowboy boots on, and I spit shined them. I tucked a picture from your birthday in your wallet-the one we took two years ago, with you and all the girls. I've never seen you look prouder. Dang, I wish I had a copy of that photo, it was my favorite. Here is another photo from that day.
I am really glad we had the
Evelyn wanted to know: I am the exhausted woman at the lower right.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
On math and entrelac-
I think Shirley wrote me such an in depth explanation because the VK site is down, and she only wanted me to pester her once. It was nice of her to make the effort.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Entrelac-Tober Coat update

Here it is! I should be finishing this tier today. It should bring me right up into where I need to be for the sleeve; I'll be finishing up on the moss, and starting the mauve.
I had a staredown with the directions this week. Vogue's site is down, so I wrote Shirley Paden, the designer, for clarification.
Dear Shirley,
I have a question about the Entrelac Coat pattern in the Fall 06 Vogue Knitting. I have checked Vogue's website (they are down, kind of sorta) and I did not see corrections for this particular garment. On the instructions for the back, it states that I am to decrease 1 stitch on each block in band 3 (18, 19, 20) stitches. On the next band, I have the impression that I have to increase 1 stitch in each block, because the stitch counts read 19, 20, 21 stitches.
Am I correct in assuming that the bands decrease in size until there are (15,16,17) stitches in each block? And don't undulate back up in size? (I'm on the first band, so I need to know this fairly soon!)
Thank you!
Shirley wrote me back! She said
Hi Betsy,
Your assumption is correct. When you look at the schematic you will see that the shape is a trapeze. Therefore, the coat is wide at the bottom, then gradually tapers to a more narrow width at the shoulders. To do this the number stitches in the rectangles are decreased by 1 stitch in each of the rectangles based on the number picked up as you build out the rectangles on every 3rd rectangle row. For example, for size Small there are 19 sts in each of the 4 Back rectangles = 76 sts for the first and second Rectangle Rows, then 15 stitches in the 4 rectangles in the 9th and 10th rows at the shoulders = 60 sts. For size Medium there are 20 sts in each of the 4 rectangles = 80 sts at the Bottom Back and 16 sts in each rectangles at the shoulders = 64 sts. For size Large there are 21 sts in each of the 4 rectangles at the Bottom Back = 84 sts and 17 sts in each of the 4 rectangles at the shoulders = 68 sts.
If you divide the number of total stitches by the stitch gauge of 3.07 sts = 1" you will get the correct width in inches for each section. For example 76 divided by 3.07 = 24 3/4" at the Bottom Back for size Small, 80 divided by 3.07= 26" at the Bottom Back for size Medium and 84 divided by 3.07 = 271/2" at the Bottom Back for size Large. The decreases are worked as follow: Size Small: Rectangle Rows 1 & 2 have 19 sts in each of the 4 rectangles, Rectangle Rows 3 & 4 have 18 sts in each rectangle, Rectangle Rows 5 & 6 have 17 sts in each rectangle, Rectangle Rows 7 & 8 have 16 sts in each rectangle, Finally, Rectangle Rows 9 & 10 have 15 sts in each of the 4 rectangles. Size Medium: begins with 20 then after decreasing on every 3rd Rectangle Row 4x there are 16 sts in each of the 4 rectangles on Rows 9 & 10. Size Large begins with 21sts in each if the 4 rectangles, then decreases 4 times to 17 sts in each of the 4 rectangles on rows 9 & 10. Using this decrease method we can begin with a Bottom Back Width of 24 3/4" for size Small, 26" for size Medium and 27 1/2" for size Large and end at the shoulders with 19 1/2 " for size Small, 21" for size Medium and 22 1/2" for size Large.
I hope this will help you. I also hope that you have an established relationship with a local yarn shop. They can usually help you through knitting problems. If you have not already done so, I recommend that you read and work through the sample project in the article that I wrote to accompany the project in that VK issue. Working the project while reading the article will give you a solid understanding of the Entrelac concept. If you have already read the article I think the brief explanation above of the technique as it is used in the coat construction will enable you to easily knit the coat.
I hope you will send a photo of the finished garment.
Wow! She was very thorough.
Just for my reference-I did 3 rows of rib in a needle 3 sizes too big. Base triangles were done with 20 stitches, first row of rectangles have 20, and the return has 19. I did this specifically because I want it shorter-so on this next tier-the third, I will be re-joining the pattern at the "fifth" tier, which should take about 10" off the bottom.
I am ever so slightly worried about running out of yarn. I bought 530 grams of Kauni to team with a never-ending cone of Gardiner's of Sekirk. The pattern called for 2688 yards, and I have 2300+, but I am making mine shorter. I have no earthly idea at this point if I have enough, but Astrid has only the 1000 yard hank left right now. It's time for me to knit and see.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
More comedy from the Betsy Show-

I had serious doubts about the pattern for my coat, and there aren't any corrections on VK's website. (That's been down for weeks. ) I wrote Shirley Paden about it, and guess what? She answered. More about that later this week.
I have the base row done, as well as MOST of the first row of rectangles. I am very glad that the blocks get smaller as the garment goes on. VERY VERY glad. This thing is going to go on forever-I have almost 300 yards in, and I haven't even made it to the 2nd tier. Hope I bought enough yarn.
My Discontinued Name Brand Yarn order came in. Can't believe I asked for an additional project bag. It wasn't all that. The yarn is beautiful, tho. So gorgeous, in fact, that I tried to place another order today. HA HA HA. No really, I saw some other stuff, and said "Hey, So and So would like that!" Buying Christmas prezzies for my yarn buds is getting harder and harder-it's a challenge to buy something they don't have. We all shop at the same place!
I saw all this Wool in the Woods (who is going out of business, BTW) and thought-"hey, this will be nice" Well, I placed my order early this morning. Around two, I got a message that said "Ms. Mamo, we are sold out of blah blah." (Sorry, Benne, that blah-blah was the perfect yarn for you, and they don't have any left.) I wrote them back and said "Dammit, let's go for coffee." Can't believe it. Not another snafu.
Got great stuff in at the store--it's my Christmas stuff, and I am out of room! I really like it, and the price points are just dandy. I can't wait to start putting in on the shelf. I am a month early.
Lastly, I heard a great joke yesterday-
What's the difference between an introverted engineer and an extroverted one? The extroverted one will look at your shoes. HA HA!