I am excited because Kid n Ewe is in Boerne next weekend. One of the things I am looking forward to is finding some buffalo yarn. I may have my own buffa-tunity in the future.
I am a city girl who knows a lot of country folk. A friend of a friend, who knows someone's son, who is friends with...you know the drill. Anyhow, there are buffalo within a 30 mile radius, and I mentioned that I was interested in the shedded winter coats. There may be an opportunity to go out and harvest some of that fiber in the spring, when they shed/molt/get rid of their winter coats.
I have only seen one large wild creature shed its winter layer, and that was a musk ox at the Anchorage zoo. (Lisa, you ought to talk to them. That's a quiviut-tunity if there ever was one.) The poor guy looked like Bob Marley after a bender. Are shed buff-locks even suitable for spinning? I don't know this answer!!!
I am a little nervous, a little worried about how much buffalo shit I will have to step in to get 10 pounds of buff-locks. Will I just take a roll of garbage bags with me? And is 10 pounds enough? Where will I send it to be processed? Will I add wool? (Yes, probably, because I will probably need fleece helper to yield enough fiber for yarn.) Can you picture it? "Honey, please wade through buffalo shit with me for my birthday..." Can you imagine being charged because you spooked the herd, flapping that dumb Hefty bag in the wind? And snakes. SNAKES!
What processing would I ask for? A 50% 50% blend of Buffalo and Merino? What would THAT look like? Oatmeal colored? Toast? I'd have to knit something for the rancher, because that's just the way things are.
This possibility is a long way from fruition-but there is a possibility on the horizon.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
What time shall I be ready for the trip to kid-n-ewe? :D *winkWINK* heehee
I'll come visit Buffalos with you. Sounds like quite the adventure. ScullyKnits
You get to visit BUFFALO!!!!
And get their shed hair which is perfectly suitable for spinning OMG....
IT has got to be dehaired before you get it spun, probably, ten pounds certainly ought to be enough for several somethings, if you actually had ten pounds you would not need to add merino, it is absolutely possible to get natural colored merino although you might have to order from New Zealand, if you do want to add it, and, and, and...
I should not let myself get all worked up liek this. There are, as far as I know, no Buffalo on LongIsland...
Did you go? Details! We want details!
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