I tried out the Super Shammy last night on the two uses that impact my world.
1) Sweater drying. I Euclanned and spun out two sweaters, and wrapped them up in SuperShammies. The shammies (it really bothers me that I am not typing out chamois, and thanks for letting me say that) got damp. Not damp enough to wring anything out of. Meh.
2) Hair drying. First, let me say that I have a fairly big head. It was tough to actually wrap it around my head. The shammy soaked up some water-but not enough for me to wring out. However, my hair didn't drip. The jury is still out on that.
Definitive finding: It smells when wet. Smells like chickensaladwetdogdousedcampfire. Don't say I didn't warn you. One went thru the wash with regular laundry soap, and still retains some stenchiness.
On to my second topic. I was screwing around on Ravelry, signed myself up for Hat Attack, and looked at some of my opponents blogs (the ones with fun personalities.) Mrs. Aytch did a thing last fall called "Walking to Omaha" where she promised herself a yarn splurge after she walked the equivalent of a trip to Omaha. (She's in Illinois, can't believe she picked Omaha. She promised herself some Lime and Violet yarn.)
I looked at a map. Unlike any other state in the union (except Alaska and Hawaii) it takes for-freaking-ever to leave Texas, so I chose Brooks Yarns as my destination, which is just up the road a piece.
In the great tradition of an Australian Walkabout (where you go on for years trying to find your ass) I have started my trip to Brooks Farm Yarns. Because I would like to find my happy ass.
I did my first mile/4 laps/23 minutes today. In the rain. My calves were pissed.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
Chiming in to say: I found this post HIGHLY entertaining. From beginning to end. Chamois! (snort) that is killing me. Because I can't help but pronounce it "sham-wahh".
I only use a shammy when I detail my car MYSELF. (Not often). They do work better when they are first soaked in water then wrung out. But you know that already I'm sure.
WTG on your first mile! It'll be fun to see your progress.
i have purchased super shammy-like thing before at the state fair...enh...ended up tossing them within a couple months...like my old standby super thick beach towels better anyway..
HOORAY FOR YOU FOR DOING 23 minutes! IN THE RAIN! You are awesome! keep it up! and just tell those calves that it's better to be pissed off than pissed on....and losing a few lbs and toning things up definately keeps the calves (and other things) from being pissed on!
Those chamois suck everyone in. I have a couple in my linen closet too. I guess yours worked about as well as mine.
Good going on the exercise! Hope you find your happy ass soon!
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