When I was a kid, the toney subdivision in town was called Village 7. It had street names like Carefree and Serendipity. I looked Serendipity up in the dictionary when I was a kid, and had a little trouble with the concept. Nowdays, Old Webster defines it as "the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also : an instance of this."
These days, I seem to be finding a lot of Buffalo Serendipity. (Much nicer than finding buffalo chips, I'll tell you.) Last year, I asked Ron Miskin of Buffalo Gold if he was going to Kid 'n Ewe in Boerne. He wrote back and said "I wasn't planning to, but since you asked." And he exhibited.
Chris (aka Scullyknits) went to K'nE twice. WE went on Sunday. The day before, she went with her family. They stopped at the Kid 'n Ewe booth, where the Divine Miss M charmed the socks right off of Ron. He gave her a small buffalo toy, which she toted around all weekend. I thought that was just great, that the guy I asked to come 1) showed up, 2) had a busy booth (i.e. it was worth his trip) and 3) was flat charmed by Miss M. I happily bought my skein of laceweight.
Serendipity, right?
Monday, I sent my Prairie Star Buffalo Tam in to Wild Fibers as a contest entry. I really wanted the "runner up" prize of a basket of buffalo goodies. My entry bounced. (They must be changing emails at the magazine??) Anyhow, I thought "Oh, no, I just finished this, I am on time, I am SOOOOO not going to give up." So I sent a copy of my entry on to Buffalo Gold (the contest sponsor) , and explained that my entry had bounced. I got an Auto Response, and thought, ok, fine, it made it to someone. A few hours later, I got a phone call from Ron, who said "We were sitting around, admiring your hat, and we want to display it at TNNA next week. We'll send you some yarn."
You WHAT???? I wanted to do a butt-shaking happy dance, but had to sound reasonably dignified and coherent.
I mailed my hat today, and wrote up a little blah-blah for them to keep with a small yarn sample (leftovers!!!) that explained the method, the pattern and the results.
And he wrote me back and said
Wonderful!!... Dad is truly excited about the Tam, and we are getting ready, and our display for this show is sort of an art gallery format. I have a canvas all ready for the hat, and it will be a featured piece. I am putting a bio card on the board as well, and I would love to put any information you would like on it.
Thank you again, and I will get some yarn on its way to you today.
Have a Happy New Year.
I am absolutely beside myself with excitement.
THAT's serendipity.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
Way to go Bets, I think Ron is a doll and I was so happy to communicate with him last year when I made the Heartland Shawl, I just wish I could have made another in Buffalo, maybe someday I will take the plunge!!! Your hat looks wonderful and I hope it gets into the contest TOO!!!
Grace, I know it's WILDLY expensive. I was a little shocked that I, La Cheapskate, made a 60.00 hat. But I knew there was no other way to compete, so I went for it.
I think buffalo is the consumate man's fiber-it's machine washable, dryable, and doesn't felt. Plus, there's the Tatonka cachet. And it finishes out like a mountain climber's technical fleece. I think God knew what he was doing when he put together the buffalo.
Let's hope I can fleece pick.
Ohhh, your story gave me goosebumps! Serendipity, indeed! So glad that they are thrilled with your project! Will they send it back? If so, you'll have to come up here for a visit so that you have the weather to wear it! ;-}
I don't know that your tam receiving recognition is serendipity, sounds more like just rewards for the deserving to me. Ron sounds like a lovely person.Glad you are receiving deserved response. Daryl
Good Job!! and Congratulations!!!
Now that's exciting news! What a great way to start the new year. Congratulations!
Bets, Such exciting news! Ron and you are both first class acts!
COngratulations! WHere can I see your hat!
I bow before you, oh Junior Goddess!
Totally awesome!!! Congratulations!
Hey kid, just saw this entry, that's so fantastic! You deserve it! Heck, I'm beside myself with excitement FOR you!
Bets, that's fantastic! Congratulations! So he's sending you some yarn, huh?
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