Thursday, October 15, 2009

Front loading washers aren't good for felting.

I've been working on Christmas knitting. Yeah, I know. DD asked for a new Christmas stocking for DGS. I didn't love DGD's, so I figured I'd do two. My basic plan was to Bond/ISM up a bunch of scrap wools I have, felt, and then make up stockings.

I knit up a lot of yarn. A lot. Of course, it all pulled back in when I pulled it off the machine. I had heard that it was difficult to felt in front loaders, so I threw in soap, long cycle, hot water, and you know what?

There's a liar in feltland. It felted. HARD. !@%#&! So hard it's going to be tough to make these stockings. I will have to do another length of fabric, just for the second stocking.


Cindy G said...


Anonymous said...

Whew, that is a relief that one can still felt with a front loader, I'll probably get one when my top loader breaks. But can you open a front loader mid-cyle, like to check on the felting? Those colors are mighty purty! Lots of Highland Wool?

Sandra D