Hillary Clinton was a governor's wife who worked for a law firm. Her husband was elected President. She served on a committee. First Ladies do not traditionally have actual political or diplomatic duties. She changed her residency to New York State and convinced them to elect her to the Senate. Now this junior senator is running for president. And has a decent shot.
You gotta be kidding me. When I'm sick, my dang doctor has more experience in his job than she does. It's like a student teacher taking over the Superintendent of School's position.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
and then asking that Superintendent of schools to stick around and show them the way No vote from me but then hubby didn't get it either
aaack.......yuck.....not my choice for president either...but you gotta admit she's got some major cahoonas.
Is it too much to ask that these elected officials have SOME work experience, preferably have run a business in the real world? HC only knows how to spend OPM, that's her sole adult experience, hands in the taxpayers' pockets. Our current governor (a republican) has also never worked a real, honest job in his adult life either and it shows. Ditto our senators. But they sure know how to reallocate the income/wealth of working people.
I hate this woman because she is a self serving b$&%^*. That she had the NERVE to waltz her little fanny into my state, a very complex place both socially and economically, and DARE to pretend she knows us...
Do not get me started on her. Just don't. SAVE YOURSELVES...
Who normally has relatively few political opinions.
I was shocked when she was elected as the Senator from NY. She was not a New Yorker, had zip experience, and it seemed to me that there was obvious pandering going on to get the vote. Had I been a New Yorker, I would have been insulted by the obvious power-grabbing going on. It seemed a case of "pick a large state with a lot of electoral votes and powerful people and I'll hoodwink the rest of the people."
All that being said, if she is elected, I will be island-shopping and planning an independent government. Cabinet positions are open. ;-}
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