I enthusiastically signed up for the Knitting Daily newsletters when I had the opportunity. I glanced over the August 3rd "Lots of socks" edition this morning. While extolling Ann Budd's new sock book, Sandi Wiseheart gushed-
How many socks did Ann knit for Getting Started Knitting Socks? I just did some quick math. Ann says that 26 pairs of socks made it into the book. She doesn't give exact numbers for the ones that didn't make it in, but let's make conservative guesses: let's say that two pairs that didn't come out as planned, and oh, maybe two pairs of toe-up socks had to be cut. That's at total of 26 + 2 + 2 = 30 pairs, or 60 socks for one book!!
Let's all take a moment and say: "THANK YOU, ANN!" for all those hours and hours of knitting so we could have so much sock wisdom at our fingertips. Ah, the things we knitters do for knitting knowledge...
Christ. I thought it was Ann's Jay Oh Bee to knit stuff for her book. Karin impresses me. Suzann impresses me. Either of them could kick Ann's butt using a roll of dental floss and a tooth pick. ONE toothpick. They knit socks for fun with their eyes closed. While practicing jujitsu, coding HTML, and making pizza from scratch. Singing.
Knitting 30 pairs for a book impressive? Not even a little.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
Wow you are *fiesty!* I like you!
But come on now...why don't you tell us how you really feel about it... ;-)
Oh, gosh, I read that and felt like Jeanine Garafalo in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. Hon, it's BIDNESS! She wants to sell a sock book, she'll knit socks.
Amen, and I still won't be buying the book!
Yes, they (Karin & Suzann) impress me with how many socks they crank out. I still dream of starting a pair... hopefully before I have a full head of gray, lol.
lmao, Bets. Karin impresses me. I can't do short row heels. Or rather I can do them, but they are air conditioned.
I noticed at Knitters Review, Clara reviewed "must have sock books" All of them are just hot of the press. And none of them, except maybe More Sensational Socks is for beginners. Yet she gave them a gushy thumbs up.
I wanted to say, if I had someone new to sock knitting. I would direct them to the baby sock at Knitty. Sock knitting 101 or Ann Budds Complete Book of Patterns.
I realize the point is to sell books.
Once the reviewer starts drinking tea with the authors it is unrealistic to expect even minor criticism
I agree. If they want to see prolific sock knitting, head to Karin's & Suzann's! I think Karin once knit a pair overnight.
Hey There, tell us how you really feel, don't hold back :)
I just did an air conditioned short row heel. All those little holes means lace, right?
I sure wish I could see a knit book review that is honest.
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