Sunday, December 31, 2006
Diet Schmiet!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Six weird things about me.
Here are the stipulations-
“THE RULES:Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
1) My nails curve if I let them grow. Apparently, downward growing nails are an anomaly (according to a doctor who glommed onto them), but mine don't always grow down. I have noticed when I lived in certain places that they were all together normal looking. If it's a particularly stressful period of time, my nails form ripples that remain until they grow out.
2) I sincerely believe Chinese astrology charts. Throw the western ones out the window.
3) My cereal preparation is segregated. I think rice pudding is totally repulsive, but tapioca pudding is my favorite. Rice should be eaten with soy sauce (for that matter, I didn't even know what long grain rice was until I was about 25). Cream of wheat should be eaten with butter and salt. Oatmeal is fine if it's plain, but better with a few golden raisins sprinkled in, no milk or sugar, thanks. Cream of rice??? Never had it.
4) Every time I am in a public restroom, I think about the spray pattern from toilets, and wish I'd experimented with food coloring to know what the spray pattern of a toilet actually is.
5) I am a horrible packrat. I hate to clean, because I get overwhelmed with "do I throw it out or keep it?" If I throw it away, I will want it six weeks from now. And it's going to be dirty again next week anyhow.
6) My left arm gets sick periodically. It will swell, ache, and get a fever. It's done that since childhood. When I was little, I used to feel like crap along with it. No, I don't know why. Been to plenty of doctors about it, tho.
Let's see-I would like to tag Whitney, Joan, Bri, Suzann, Barbara and Marie.
It starts with F, ends with UCK
I screwed up the pattern.
It' s going in anyhow.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
We decked the halls all right....

DH did very well this year. Not only did he brag on my felted roast your damned feet off socks to his poor shivering uncle, he bought me materials. He called up Lorill at Elann, who took a wild guess and came up with sweater quantities of all this yarny goodness.

One thing in the box will have to go back. Fifteen balls of cream colored Pamir will crawl into a box this weekend, and wing its way back. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful yarn, but a) it was 70 damned degrees an hour ago, and b) it's cream. There are still colors of Sonata Print that I didn't buy (how is THAT possible?) . I made DD Knitty's Soleil in Lilac Sachet, and she LOVED it, but the top was short on me, and is apparently even shorter on her. I'd like to do one in Sea Shell.
I think it's hysterical that Lorill sent me Benne colors. I buy a lot of green yarn, and none of it is for me!!! (too many years in the military!!!)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Easy treats!
Peanut Brittle-
Mix 2 c. sugar and 1 c. white corn syrup in a large pan. (try to use a light colored one!) Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook until amber. (It will go from butter color to amber. Wait for it.)
Remove the pan from heat, and add 2 rounded t. baking soda. Stir until blended, and add 2 heaping T. margerine, 2 c. peanuts, and 1 t. vanilla. Pour into two greased cookie sheets.
Yield-about 2 lb
Sunday, December 17, 2006
When black and purple make blue-

I used the CPY Curved Vest (from the freebie pattern section) with a slight modification...I cast on about 6 stitches fewer than originally called for, and added 3 on each side right before the increases for the front and back. As I suspected, this improved the pattern fit significantly...and were I to make this vest again (and I might, for MIL) I may go for 8 stitches. That only moves the back armhole in about 1".

I used about 4 1/2 balls of Estelle Dazzle in Mocha, and about 1 1/4 balls of Super Kydd in Blackberry. The Kydd is a rich, dark purple that is somehow half a step away from indigo.
I am not a big sparkle girl, and I am not a huge fuzzy sweater fan...and this project had just a touch of glam in there. I could easily wear it with dress pants or jeans.
I would consider this a good last minute Christmas gift. You have EXACTLY enough time to make one of these for your aunt, your sister, or yourself.
Go. Hurry!!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Embarrassing Christmas party moments
Friday, December 15, 2006
Cousin wrecks Christmas!

Mark mentioned that he'd like a Maltese Cross pinkie ring for Christmas. Crap. Gold is at an all time high, exchange rates are at an all time low. This is not a good year for me to add to the Mr. T starter kit that all Mediterranean men like.
I got really excited when I found these. I told Mark I found something I thought he'd like for Christmas, and it's from Malta. I thought that even in my poverty stricken, poor American cousin mode, I might be able to buy at least a gemstone, and THAT would do. I told Mark that I was waiting for one of his cousins to get back to me. He couldn't stand the suspense, and asked me what I was looking at. He heartily approved. And he told me that in all likelihood, the guy really was his cousin. I thought to myself "Yes dear, I can read." The surname was familiar to me already, and I knew it was on the family tree.
Well, it's time to start villifying Cousin Ivan. I emailed last week on Friday, which was the feast of the Immaculate Conception...a national holiday. Twice this week. Finally, I called the shop number, and he was at a different number. I got an alternate email address. And I am waiting for dear Cousin Ivan to step up and tell me he can or cannot ship to the states, that he will or won't accept M/C, Visa, a cheque for British pounds sterling, yen, euros or hog futures. Or if I can even afford it.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
And now, for yor knitting pleasure, a little Christmas music....
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Items may vary....or not!

I love goofy socks as much as Sarah Jessica Parker loves Manolos. Since I've only actually met a few yarn buds in the summertime, that might be a little known fact. That being said, it shouldn't surprise anyone that I planned to surprise my good friends with goofy socks.
And there's the rub. Actually, it's a flippin' blister. I ordered socks. I ordered sets of socks. (Items not as pictured)
They came in today. Sigh...... I got four bundles of socks all right. Four identical bundles of identical socks. 20 pairs of identical goofy socks are not fun, they are an annoyance.
If I sent them to my friends as intended, they would laugh, regift some, wear some. And know that I had their best sock sorting interests at heart.
Friday, December 08, 2006
The new phone books are in! The new phone books are in!

Remember? Steve Martin's character ran excitedly down the street, shouting "The new phone books are in." Excited because he was SOMEBODY! I am vascillating between ole Navin, and a glowing four year old.
You know the four year old's look (and DAMN if we don't all lose it) of wonder, pleasure and surprise? No amount of Revlon blush can put that rosy glow on your face, no fancy brushes, no make-up pros, no shimmering highlighters. Rod Stewart had a lyric "shining like a new dime"-that just about sums it up. I am wearing that look in my heart (maybe not on my middle aged face) today.
My pattern "Two Measures of Joy" was posted on Elann today. Me! My pattern! I have tried and tried all year. And it's finally HERE. Better than Christmas, it is!
And I am slightly in awe of how fancy schmancy it looks. Amazed at what good lighting can get you! Can I live THERE? Cuz I might be a hottie in photo land!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Holiday knitting stress-
Red, red, whine.....

I thought I might be able to get this done for the corporate Christmas party this weekend....but I was wrong. I wanted to dazzle my ex-colleagues with my knitting prowess. Boredom overtook me yesterday. Ah well. It's 3X Chic, which I found on Knitty, with Jo Sharp Aran Tweed. I added a few cables on the side, just to make it interesting.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Very exciting news!

After trying SIX (count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SIX) times, I finally won! My purse pattern will be posted on Elann on December 8th.
Here it is, while I was still working on it. Thank you again, Billie, for finding music that was both easy to embroider and recognizable. Your help made it so much simpler for me to put out a nice clean bag!
I had to knit this same bag twice, because I totally dorked it up on the first round.