Just something to keep in the back of your mind. I'd like to start or participate in one. I snuck over to blogspot and grabbed a second blog title
to use for next season's Project Runway. I think a PR knit-along would be fun! If you have any ideas or input, LMK.
試し編み・・・ knitting swatches...
3 days ago
I get the KAL part, what is PR KAL?
Project Runway, Jayne. This season's finale is next week, but it's pretty popular among knitters, so I thought that might be fun!
Okay, I'm dense. Project Runway is a TV show. I just googled it. Is it like American Idol for fashion? What would one do for a PR KAL -- choose to knit something (or design something) while watching the show and discuss both on the blog?
count me in!! :D
What do you think about little prizes for first done, best accessory, viewer's choice?
I don't think we actually have to set this in motion til after Christmas.
I haven't watched the show, so I'm in the dark, but it sounds like fun.
Benne-it's like Survivor for Tailors. You'd like it (I think!)
Yes, yes! Count me in!
Argh, some day I will have cable. Like, when I get a decent job instead of just temping & teaching.
Ok, I am confused. My TV viewing consists of Three's Company, Reno 911!, Keeping Up Appearances, and CSPAN. What is going on?
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