Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Ending the month at the same place I started
Maybe The Band was wrong. Maybe life isn't a carnival, maybe it's something closer to a waltz. At the beginning of the month I was working on a prayer shawl for someone. As the month closes, I find myself at the same exact spot on the dance floor.
Today, DH mentioned to me that his coworker's girlfriend had her cancer surgery this morning. His description leads me to believe she had a lumpectomy, with a little exploration on the side. I thought I ought to make something for her. Then I looked at Swallowtail in my lap-I am about 25 rows from the first border. And made up my mind right then that that's who this is for.
Funny. I've known the guy about 4 years, haven't seen him since I quit working 18 months ago. Apparently, he doesn't have a good chick checklist (or maybe he's not on a good checklist-who can tell these days?), because the last time I saw him, he was with his wife.
So....am I nuts to give away my pretty Swallowtail? I have aunts that would adore it. Somehow, I have faith in the mystical powers of gifts that tumble out of the sky. If she's an unworthy asshole, she may be nudged into a humane moment for just a second-long enough that it slaps her. If she's a nice person, it will be a hug.
No worries about whether that shawl is "me" or not. Perhaps there's a knit and release program somewhere with my name on it. Now if you'll excuse me, I hear The Band striking up.
Take a load off Annie, take a load for free; Take a load off Annie, and (and) (and) you put the load right on me.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Recipe hunt

I've got an APB out for good recipes that freeze well.
Since the beginning of the year, I have phoned the Phoenix Albertsons to make sure that my Dad has groceries. He doesn't eat, he feels like crap, then he eats less, then he feels worse....I've checked into it, he's six blocks away from the Meals on Wheels boundary. Luby's will deliver to other areas, but not to his.
It is my general plan to go to Dad's and cook my ass off for a few days. And freeze it all. I am tired of worrying about it, tired of wondering. And that's a Christmas gift he'll enjoy for weeks afterwards.
He told me my older brother (finally got a freaking clue and) bought some crockpots and has been boxing up dinners for him. I asked "So Dad, is Fred a good cook?" "Not really," he admitted.
My recipe parameters are-
Suitable or adaptable for diabetics (this means that I am making cabbage potato pancakes, not potato pancakes)
Sans poultry. Working in a processing plant for a few months just does that to a body.
Suitable to freeze in small portions.
I think I plan to make many things, as opposed to huge quantities of a few things.
Variety improves appetite, so I need things that are adaptable-for example-mini meatloaf/meatballs/mix also go with spaghetti, soup, sandwiches. It can also step into Salisbury steak land.
He'll eat a lot of different types of food, as long as it feels hearty and homemade.
I appreciate any recipes and ideas you can pass my way!
Swallowtail Part II
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Just because it CAN be knit
Does not necessarily mean it's a good idea. Swallowtail was mercilessly frogged, and reknit as Berroco's free pattern Kap, and Norah Gaughan's Target mittens (still drying). I was not impressed with either pattern.
Kap turned out to be just a beanie, a toque, a skullcap-whatever, but the newsboy look eluded me, even after I blocked it on a large plate. Fine, it'll be what it is.
And the Target mittens? I'd never made mittens before, so that was fun, and they went quickly but that semi-circular seam in the middle of the palm is irritating. My yarn was a chunky/aran weight, so I just made the smallest children's size, and added rows before and after the thumb decrease. The "target" is picked up and knit from a circular hole made by the thumb decreases. It reminds me of a teat, and that bugs me to no end.
The yarn is Noro Silver Thaw, one skein, and there were knots in the middle that threw off the patterning, so there was no point trying to get the mittens to match. The shade a hideous train wreck of highlighter hues.
Don't mind me, I am ultra-crabby.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
My favorite stitch-

I'm working on the Swallowtail Shawl from the Fall 2006 IWK. I'm working in Noro Silver Thaw. The colorway is hideous.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I glance at it every time I walk by-
It sucked.
After knitting several balls of Highland Wool and a lot of agitation, I had a big felt pillowcase. If I can convince Miss Suggy that this is my favorite pillow, she will want to use it, but if not, this fugly rubbish will land in the trash. Sigh.
Convinced it was a good idea, (and working with my behemouth swatch, which CLEARLY showed proportions after felting) I started over on Wednesday. I felted it Friday night, and worked on details all day yesterday. Yay! Much better. I am a lining and snap away from total completion. I really like it. I would carry it.
Let's see what the judges think.
Friday, October 20, 2006
A Me Me meme
Four jobs I’ve had:
Telephone eavesdropper Don’t worry, it was legal.
Dance Instructor at Arthur Murray’s Frankly, I loved it, but didn’t earn enough to pay for pantyhose.
Technical Writer NOT a riveting job.
Optical sales THAT boss is famous because he was the defendant in a sexual harassment case that went to the Colorado Supreme court. He was an ass. He lost.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
The Joy Luck Club-the movie that makes every Asian cry
The Memphis Belle
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion-it’s just funny
The Green Mile
Four places I have lived:
Elmhurst IL
Anchorage AK
Fort Worth TX
10 Eisenschmelz, Winnweiler-Hochstein D67722 (see photo)
Four television shows I love to watch: Project Runway, Mind of Mencia, What not to wear (BBC) , Unwrapped (on Food Network)
Four places I have been on vacation: London, Tokyo, a prairie dog town somewhere in Wyoming, Munroe GA
Four of my favorite dishes: Jello Custard , Fried Mushrooms, Tortilla Soup. Hamburgers right off the grill-d’ya ever notice that there is no restaurant that can dress your burger as well as you do?
Four websites I visit daily: Project RunGay, Elann.com, Drudge Report, Stave.com (well, several times a week to see what’s on sale) and ebay
Four places I would rather be right now: The lace market at Idar Oberstein, Harrod’s, talking to my brother (doesn’t matter where), Colorado Springs
Four bloggers I am tagging: Libby, Bri, Joan and Suzann
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I just had to pass this one on-
After all the Project Runway hype-
The big finale is this week. Thank goodness, because the past two episodes have left me craving an auf'ing. I was wandering around and happened across the photo collections from the Bryant Park show.
Oh I have definite opinions on who should win. And shockingly enough, the collections all look like Uli's!!!! (Except Laura's). And I don't think Laura should win-but mostly because the rest of the world (outside NYC) will only take so much black and neutral. I really don't see a beige turtleneck mini as a spring dress.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
More about appearances-
It was Paula. I was shocked, amazed and a little repulsed to see her as a candidate on "Extreme Makeover." I worked with Chris years ago. I remembered his wife Paula-thick glossy curls, and snapping, sparkling eyes. Funny to see that this was how she saw herself.
Sorry, I couldn't load Paula's bio link ....
Thursday, October 05, 2006
You look marvelous, darling!

Found these this morning on TMZ.com. Decided it would be a mission of mercy to post them.
You look fine just as you are, and probably better than you think.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'm a freakin' TRENDSETTER!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
By popular request-

OrderID A2248988
2/2/2006 US Priority Mail
Product ID
Den-M-Nit Pure Indigo Cotton 50g (1.75 oz) ball 1109, Mid Indigo, L16205 7
I happened to run in to the sales slip for my shawl contest yarn the other day. Just looking at it, I thought "Christ, were you nuts? Your yarn came in three weeks before the deadline!" Eh, well whiskey-tango-foxtrot (WTF) you gotta take a chance once in a while. If I had told myself I wouldn't get it done, I wouldn't have. But I did. The name is a mish-mash of two cultures-an obi is a large Japanese sash used to bind a kimono. A toga....well, let's just say that my best toga party look ever had a belted toga. I looked like Diana, not like a six year old playing a Roman centurion.
Pattern notes-this pattern is short-I am a short woman. If you are taller than 5'4" & size 12, it will fit you as a shawlette, so plan accordingly. I specifically put in eyelets to allow the wearer to belt it. I cast off at 7:30 the evening of the deadline, so I had no opportunity to test this. I feel it should be a little longer on me. Other pattern notes-I wrote a sucky pattern. Sorry, it's the truth. I was too sick of the project to rewrite it. The instructions are very detailed, and that hurt me.
This pattern is copyrighted material and the entire contents of this pattern are copyrighted as a collective work under the copyright laws of Canada and the United States. You may print a copy of this pattern for your own personal use and enjoyment, but editing, publishing, transmitting, e-mailing, posting it to a list service or database, or otherwise commercially exploiting this pattern is strictly forbidden. Copyright E. Mamo, 2006.
Obitoga-This pattern starts with scalloped edging, spreads into garter panels punctuated by eyelet rows, and finishes with an easy lace edging. The large eyelets allow the wearer to weave a ribbon, belt, or I-cord, and fasten the shawl around her waist, so it’s not floppy-sloppy.
KFB-knit in the front and back of each stitch
KYOK-Knit, Yarn over, Knit, all in the same stitch
Materials-7 balls Elann’s DenMknit, 36” circular needle, US size 9, stitch markers
Gauge-approx 4 stitches per inch.
Begin scalloped edging-
Using a provisional cast on, cast on 5 stitches.
R1-K3, increase in the next stitch by knitting in the front and back, k1
R2-K1, increase, K 4
R3 K5, increase, K1
R4 K1, increase, K6
R5 K6, K2tog, K1
R6 K1, K2tog K5
R7 K4 K2tog, K1
R8 K1, K2tog, K3
Add the stitches for the shawl back edging-
Pick up 3 along the bottom edge
Undo provisional cast on, slide these 5 stitches onto your (empty) needle, K 5
Begin working the shawl body and edges-
K1, Inc FB, K3, PM. K3, PM, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, SM. K3, SM, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, SM, M1, KYOK in each of the next 3 stitches, M1 (11st), SM, K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K6 , SM. P11 , SM, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, SM, K11, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, SM, P11, K5, K2tog, K1
Increase and set up for the pattern in the next two rows-
K1, K2tog, K4, SM, K1 FB in the first stitch, K1, KYOK IN THE Next stitch, K2, KYOK, K2, KYOK, K1fb, K1, K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, SM, P1, K2, P3, K2, P3, K2, P3, K2, P1, SM K3, K2tog, K1
References to 'SM" end-work that occurs 'between the markers" will be enclosed in brackets.
Now, you'll be working scalloped edges, garter panels, and increases in small stockinette sections.
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 19}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K2, P3* 3 times, K2, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K3, KYOK, K4, KYOK, K4, KYOK, K2, KFB, K1, 27 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K4, P3, K4, P3, K4, P3, K4, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K27}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5 { P1, K4, P3, K4, P3, K4, P3, K4, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K5, KYOK,K6, KYOK, K6, KYOK, K4, KFB, K1, 35 st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K6, P3* three times, K6, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 35}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K6, P3* 3 times, K6, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K7, KYOK, K8, KYOK, K8, KYOK, K6, KFB, K1, 43 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K8, P3, K8, P3, K8, P3, K8, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K43}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K8, P3, K8, P3, K8, P3, K8, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K9, KYOK,K10, KYOK, K10, KYOK, K9, KFB, K1, 51 st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K10, P3* three times, K10, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 51}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K10, P3* 3 times, K10, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K11, KYOK, K12, KYOK, K12, KYOK, K10, KFB, K1, 59 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K12, P3, K12, P3, K12, P3, K12, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K59}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K12, P3, K12, P3, K12, P3, K12, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K13, KYOK, K14, KYOK, K14, KYOK, K12, KFB, K1, 67 st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K14, P3* three times, K14, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 67}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K14, P3* 3 times, K14, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K15, *KYOK, K16 twice from *, KYOK, K14, KFB, K1, 75 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
Small eyelet row - K1, KFB, K6 {*K2 tog, YO, repeat from *,end K1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K75}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K16, P3, K16, P3, K16, P3, K16, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K FB in the first stitch, K17, KYOK, K18, KYOK, K18, KYOK, K16, KFB, K1, 83 st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K18, P3* three times, K18, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 83__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K18__, P3* 3 times, K18__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_19_, KYOK, K_20_, KYOK, K20__, KYOK, K19__, KFB, K1, 91__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K_20_, P3, K20__, P3, K20__, P3, K20__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K91__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K20__, P3, K20__, P3, K20__, P3, K20__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {KFB in the first stitch, K21__, KYOK, K22__, KYOK, K22__, KYOK, K_20_, KFB, K1, 99__ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K22__, P3* three times, K22_, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 99__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K22__, P3* 3 times, K22__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_23_, KYOK, K24__, KYOK, K24__, KYOK, K22__, KFB, K1, 107__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K24__, P3, K24__, P3, K_24_, P3, K_24_, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K107__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K24__, P3, K_24_, P3, K24__, P3, K_24_, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K FB in the first stitch, K25__, KYOK, K26__, KYOK, K26__, KYOK, K24__, KFB, K1, 115__ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K26__, P3* three times, K26__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 115__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K_26_, P3* 3 times, K_26_, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K27__, KYOK, K28__, KYOK, K28__, KYOK, K_26_, KFB, K1, _123_ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K28__, P3, K_28_, P3, K_28_, P3, K28__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K_123_}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K28__, P3, K28__, P3, K28__, P3, K_28_, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K29__, KYOK, K30__, KYOK, K_30_, KYOK, K28__, KFB, K1, 131__ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K_30_, P3* three times, K30__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 131__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K_30_, P3* 3 times, K__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K31__, KYOK, K_32_, KYOK, K32__, KYOK, K_30_, KFB, K1, 139__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
Small eyelet row - K1, KFB, K6 {*K2 tog, YO, repeat from *,end K1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K139__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K32__, P3, K32__, P3, K32__, P3, K32__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K33__, KYOK, K34__, KYOK, K34__, KYOK, K32__, KFB, K1, 147__ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K34__, P3* three times, K_34_, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 147__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K34__, P3* 3 times, K34__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K35__, KYOK, K36__, KYOK, K36__, KYOK, K34__, KFB, K1, 155__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K36__, P3, K36__, P3, K36__, P3, K36__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K155__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K36__, P3, K_36_, P3, K36__, P3, K36__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K37__, KYOK, K38__, KYOK, K38__, KYOK, K36__, KFB, K1,163 __ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K38__, P3* three times, K38__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 163__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K38__, P3* 3 times, K38__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K39__, KYOK, K40__, KYOK, K40__, KYOK, K_38_, KFB, K1, 171_ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K40__, P3, K40__, P3, K40__, P3, K40__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K171__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K40__, P3, K_40_, P3, K40__, P3, K40__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K41__, KYOK, K_42_, KYOK, K42__, KYOK, K40__, KFB, K1, _179_ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K42__, P3* three times, K_42_, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 179__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K42__, P3* 3 times, K42__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_43_, KYOK, K44__, KYOK, K44_, KYOK, K42__, KFB, K1, _187_ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K44__, P3, K44__, P3, K_44_, P3, K44__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K187__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K__, P3, K__, P3, K__, P3, K__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K_45_, KYOK, K46__, KYOK, K_46_, KYOK, K44__, KFB, K1, _195_ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K_46_, P3* three times, K46__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 195}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K46, P3* 3 times, K46, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K47, *KYOK, K48 twice from *, KYOK, K46, KFB, K1, 203 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
Cane Stitch row - K1, KFB, K6 {K2*sl 1-k2 tog, PSSO,(YO twice); rep from *, end K2}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K2, (P1, K1) into the double YO, p1, rep from *, end K2}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K48, P3, K48, P3, K48, P3, K48, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K FB in the first stitch, K49, KYOK, K50, KYOK, K50, KYOK, K48, KFB, K1, 211 st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K50___, P3* three times, K_50__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 211__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K50__, P3* 3 times, K_50_, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_51_, KYOK, K52__, KYOK, K52__, KYOK, K50__, KFB, K1, _219_ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K_52_, P3, K_52_, P3, K52__, P3, K52__, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K_219_}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K_52_, P3, K52__, P3, K_52_, P3, K52__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K_53_, KYOK, K54__, KYOK, K_54_, KYOK, K_52_, KFB, K1, _227_ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K54__, P3* three times, K54__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 227__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K54__, P3* 3 times, K54__, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_55_, KYOK, K56__, KYOK, K_56_, KYOK, K_54_, KFB, K1, 235__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
Cane Stitch row - K1, KFB, K6 {K2*sl 1-k2 tog, PSSO,(YO twice); rep from *, end K2}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K2, (P1, K1) into the double YO, p1, rep from *, end K2}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K_56_, P3, K_56_, P3, K_56_, P3, K56__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K_57_, KYOK, K_58_, KYOK, K58__, KYOK, K56__, KFB, K1,243 __ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K58__, P3* three times, K__, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 243__}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K_58_, P3* 3 times, K_58_, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K_59_, KYOK, K_60_, KYOK, K60__, KYOK, K58_, KFB, K1, 251__ st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
K1, KFB, K6 { P1, K_60_, P3, K_60_, P3, K_60_, P3, K_60_, P1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {K251__}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, K_60_, P3, K_60_, P3, K60__, P3, K60__, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
Increase row-K1, K2tog, K4, {K1 FB in the first stitch, K_61_, KYOK, K_62_, KYOK, K62__, KYOK, K60__, KFB, K1, 259__ st} K4, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K3, { P1, *K_62_, P3* three times, K_62_, P1} K3, K2tog, K1
K1, Inc FB, K3, {Knit 259}, K3, Kfb, K1
K1, Inc FB, K4, {P1, *K62, P3* 3 times, K62, P1}, K4, Kfb, K1
Increase row-K1, Inc FB, K 5, {KFB, K63, *KYOK, K64 twice from *, KYOK, K62, KFB, K1, 267 st bet markers} K5 , Kfb, K1
Small eyelet row - K1, KFB, K6 {*K2 tog, YO, repeat from *,end K1}, K 6, Kfb, K1
K1, K2tog, K6, {k267}, K6, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K5, { P1, Knit 266, P1}, K 5, K2tog, K1
K1, K2tog, K4, {K1,*K2, KYOK, K2* repeat from * to *, end K1} K4, K2tog, K1
K8, K, P, K, K4*, repeat between the *, end PKP, knit 8
Bind off in the following manner-K2, reinsert the tip of the left needle into the two stitches previously knitted, K2 tog. When you reach the K stitch (the center of the K, P, K of the previous row), KYOK in that stitch, K all 3 loops together, and then proceed to knit the two loops on your right handed needle together.
to use for next season's Project Runway. I think a PR knit-along would be fun! If you have any ideas or input, LMK.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
It's not EXACTLY a prayer shawl....
It dawned on me that I've done three shawls this year that I've called prayer shawls. There really is no other term for them.
The first was one I sent to my aunt; unbeknownst to me, my younger cousin was on the brink of a massive stroke when she made her husband take her to the ER. My aunt sat with her day after day (while adjusting to her own very recent widowhood) so the shawl showed up right on time.
The second, I sent to a friend of a friend. She's going on a journey these days, and I hope it will be swift and merciful.
This last one will be for an aquaintance who's had a rude shock after an annual exam.
What is it, why do I do this? This tugging and swirling of string and sticks in the hope that I can make something better for someone...chances are I probably can't. I am not exactly certain. Do I do this for their prayers, or to give physical evidence of mine?