As knitters, we all know that gauge and yardage are VERY important, so we will guess weight and length instead.
These were big sister's specs:
"She is just adorable and everyone says that she looks just like her mommy! she was 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long! We tried for a natural delivery but when we got to the hospital the baby wasnt responding to the contractions like she was supposed to and ....... we had to have an emergency c-section. Sorry I couldnt get to the computer sooner but I have been on bed rest and DH wont let me do anything."
These were big sister's specs:
"She is just adorable and everyone says that she looks just like her mommy! she was 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long! We tried for a natural delivery but when we got to the hospital the baby wasnt responding to the contractions like she was supposed to and ....... we had to have an emergency c-section. Sorry I couldnt get to the computer sooner but I have been on bed rest and DH wont let me do anything."
The contest-the poster with the closest weight and height combined will be the winner. Each component will have equal merit in the equation. Weight = 50 percent, length = 50 percent. If you guess OVER on one component, you will be penalized 10 points (for example, if you guess 9 lbs, 15 ounces, and the baby is 9 lbs, 14 ounces, the max score you can have in weight is 40 percent.) If you overguess on both, you are out. If I receive two winning guesses that are equal in percentage totals, the first person to post is the winner. I will need to take my shoes and socks off AND have an adult beverage to figure out the winners. I will accept entries under this post until June 30. One entry per person, please!
The prize-some yarny goodness and a Tyler candle. Please submit your guess in pounds and ounces, and inches (to the quarter inch.) If you hate a certain color or have fiber allergies, speak up!
6/13/07 You have about two weeks left to enter your guesses. Don't forget!
6/29/07 Last calll!
July 23, 5:54AM
uuummmm, maybe you can have a pool on something like the wt cuz we scheduled a c-section.
Okay, here goes. Seven pounds, 2 ounces, 21 inches long.
seven pounds 13 ounces 20 1/2 inches long
7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long
Should I have DH take a pic of the belly and post it? Or would that be cheating?
7 lbs 14 ounces, 20 1/2 inches long
Had to go check my kids' hospital certificates for reasonable ht/wt ratio...and um, Libby's DH is tall right?
8 lbs 1 oz, 21.5". I've seen Libby and am willing to go the distance!! Bri
7 lbs 15 oz, 20 1/4 inches.
Okay: my entry is 7lb.,14oz. and 20 inches length. All best wishes to LibbyKnitKins!
I'll go way out there: 8# 4 oz, and 20-3/4 inches.
Okay. 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 3/4 inches. (If the baby comes before the c-section, I'm going to guess July 11th at 3:53 pm -- babies come when they want to sometimes!! :) Have a great one!
Ok, I'll play.
7 lb 1 oz
19 inches
Trish...8# 4 was my guess! Ratz, OK...I'm going with 8# 6 oz, 20 1/4". (If you make it to section date, which I assume is 39 wks...I'm bettin' you go into labor before then...)
I'm going with 8lb 15oz, not so good on lengths, never paid much attention to that aspect, uh, 21 inches. Second babies are usually bigger and they sure feel bigger to Mommy.
I'll venture a guess that baby comes early--howabout 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 19.5" long.
You guys are just being plain mean now. 9 lbs??? Holy God!!! I have gotten bigger from that picture but 9 lbs is just plain cruel and unusual punishment. I hope that the baby comes early as well but K was 2 days overdue and I carried her like I"m carring this one. OH Dear.
9lbs 1 and 3/4 ounces, 22 inches long.
My big boy was around there, and the little one was 8lbs 15, which someone beat me to. Hey, it's not like you are going to be pushing...
(Ducks while Libby tosses something large at me!)
Bets, are you making Libby look bigger in that picture as time goes on, because I swear it looks like she is growing, and I know that pic was taken at least a couple of weeks ago.
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