Saturday, June 30, 2007
This is Awesome!!

Last one in the Libbypool's a rotten egg!

These were big sister's specs:
"She is just adorable and everyone says that she looks just like her mommy! she was 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long! We tried for a natural delivery but when we got to the hospital the baby wasnt responding to the contractions like she was supposed to and ....... we had to have an emergency c-section. Sorry I couldnt get to the computer sooner but I have been on bed rest and DH wont let me do anything."
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It's TWUE, it's TWUE!!!
Tetrachromat Females
The title is just a fancy way of saying that some women seem to have four colour receptors in their eyes rather than the usual three. Actually some people also have a different set of three and this was known for some time before the discovery that quite a few women see extra colours than the rest of the population. Of course some men are missing a receptor and have only two and as a result are called colour blind. Compared to tetrachromats we are all colour blind.
See the rest of the story here.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Time to play!!!
Top News Headlines This Week:
Feb 29 - 1st Playboy Club, featuring bunnies, opens in Chicago
Top Songs for 1960
Running Bear by Johnny Preston
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Elvis Presley
Stuck On You by Elvis Presley
Teen Angel by Mark Dinning
It's Now or Never by Elvis Presley
Theme from A Summer Place by Percy Faith
My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own by Connie Francis
Cathy's Clown by Everly Brothers
Save the Last Dance for Me by Drifters
US President: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Milk: $1.04/gal
US Vice President
Eggs: $0.90/doz
Car: $2,275
Gas: $0.31/gal
House: $18,500
Stamp: $0.04/ea
Avg Income: $6,227/yr
Min Wage: $1.00/hr
DOW Avg: 616
Academy Award Winners
Best Actor: Burt Lancaster in Elmer Gantry
Best Actress: Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8
1468 - Paul III, last Renaissance pope (1534-49)
1972 - Antonio Sabato Jr actor (Jagger Cates-General Hospital)
1960 Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker
1960 Tony Robbins, guy with big head
On TV in 1960
The Ed Sullivan Show
The Andy Griffith Show
The Twilight Zone
The Flinstones
I Love Lucy
Hot New Toys in 1960
Chatty Cathy
Troll Dolls
Top Books in 1960
The Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell
Onion John by Joseph Krumgold
copyright 1997-2007 dMarie Direct Inc
Sunday, June 24, 2007
*** BFF=DD's Best Friend Forever
Friday, June 22, 2007
Cash, please...
Annie's husband requires a bone marrow transplant. She's in a bit of a crunch for transportation, child care, etc, while he goes thru his procedure at the Mayo Clinic. To raise funds, Annie is selling a pattern. You can find it here.
Keep it in mind.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
So when do YOU give up?
**Friday morning addition: After posting that, I found a few balls of Taj Mahal, and sat down with the chart AGAIN. (Don't argue with the crazy woman, hon. She bites!) I carefully marked out my three repeats. I made it thru chart one, and then chart two. I started the second repeat, and guess what? Same jacked up result.
I struggled with that quite a bit. Was there an error? No, it was simply a matter of perspective!!! Because I am making a doily, which is normally round, I should work every section as a single wedged entity. (Like a tam! Duh!) The mistake I made? I started the row, and repeated between * and * til I ran out of stitches, like every good little knitter does. That threw everything off!
Now that I have seen the doily light, I am pressing on. I like Taj, and will use this to see if I like this shawlette enough to make it in my Sea Silk. Problem negated!
I summoned up my courage yesterday and ordered patterns from Martina's Bastel and Hobby. I ordered several lace leaflets, and was a little unnerved when I saw the postage fee...Eur 15.30??? My order shipment notice came today-it was only 5.00. I've never ordered from Martina, and I am anxious to see how this works out.
On the same note, I surfed YesAsia yesterday for knitting books. This is a pretty good site, as there are previews of many of the garments in the books. I think I'll have to give this a try after I research it a little.
And on a blog format note-are my two columns parallel, or have I goofed up my format somehow?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tut, tut! Looks like rain.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hello, Doily!
At Christmastime, I received a lovely hank of Seasilk from one of my really good yarn buddies. Seasilk is lovely, glossy, hand-dyed....and finite. I struggled to find a pattern that would show off such yarny lusciousness, not waste an inch, nor run short. I found this pattern in Marianne Kinzel's First Book of Modern Lace Knitting. I thought that this might be a gwajus shawlette if I could reduce the sectional repeats to three (vs. six) and knit in a garter border (a la Evelyn Clark) while I was at it. The design has a 12 row repeat, so I can stop when I need to.
I am just starting the second chart (I had several missteps and three frog events with it yesterday). I plan to grow my needle sizes as I work through the pattern repeats. I started on 4s, am currently on 6s, and will start 8s today. I'll probably finish on 10s.
This old fashioned lace text makes me think about doilies. They aren't in fashion anymore. As a confirmed dish bitch, I have many more sets of dishes than my household needs. I love a pretty table, I love it when my food looks appetizing. Is it time for me to bring back centerpieces and runners? I have never received a handmade lace centerpiece as a gift. I thought about my sister-in-law, my difficult to shop for sister-in-law, and how she decorates her house for the holidays. She hates to cook, but the house looks like a magazine spread. A kelly green doily, done in a DK or sportweight cotton, would complement her Christmas decor. It would be quick and simple, and launder well. I think this is an idea worth exploring.
Friday, June 15, 2007
A little Friday fun!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Gwen Friend update

Friday, June 08, 2007
Hanging Chad, anyone?
While I was there, I got curious about the votes for the current issue's unattractive cover garment. (I prayed really hard the rest of you weren't freakin' BLIND.) Waddya know, the cover shot was the least favorite (21%)! (Whew!)
I looked back at the other cover pages. Guess what? Since issue 70, three issues have been ties (numbers 71 and 72 were within a percentage point; number 83 was within 2% between all three shots, and two were of the same garment). Customer favorites were issues 74, 76, 78, 80 and 84. Customer voted fuglies were featured on the covers of 86, 85, 79, 75. The most appealing won 36% of the time and the fugliest made it on to the cover 29% of the time. The numbers are close enough to show that 'Casting your vote" made no difference. You could draw slips out of a hat and get a similar result.
This consumer preference poll is so....ignored. (Why do it at all?) It's nice to know you and I don't have lousy taste in clothing, it's either the Dragon or the art director.
Gardiner's of Selkirk
Webs just finished their semi-annual sale. I'd been eyeballing those coned wools throughout the WHOLE sale. I couldn't stand it anymore, and finally ordered them.
Of course, they didn't show up while DH was out of town....that would have been too easy. I got home yesterday, and there was a huge box on the front porch. Luckily, he stopped at the grocery on the way home.
Here are the swatch findings-the greeny color is 2/8 Shetland, color Birch (21 stitches on 0s=3.30"), the beige is 2/6 Donegal (18 stitches on 4s=3.5"), rinsed and dried. (Remember, I knit BIG, so my needles are much smaller than the average bear's.) Very nice! I bought the Birch planning on doubling it, but I figured out that this would go well with the Rowanspun I bought last year. Hmm, maintain my sanity or knit it like a madwoman?? If I started right....NOW, I might finish a sweater for DH by Christmas.
These cones are marked Gardiner of Selkirk, which is a still functioning Scottish mill. I also bought a cone of 2/4, but it's in a nonBets color, and no amount of swatching will MAKE it a Betscolor. Nice stuff, no millmark.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Ball number three of Gwen Friend
Monday, June 04, 2007
Any early childhood educators out there?
1) Observed behavior: Small child picks up a pencil, struggles to hold it correctly (i.e. like an adult) and fusses until it is correct. And then make lines on a pad of paper on the floor next to him (not the floor, just the pad)? (Age 13 months)
2) Observed behavior: Small child drops two (of four) coins, walks around a solid obstacle to hand them to an adult (view of the coins is totally blocked, and the distance is more than eight feet) and makes two return trips to pick up the remaining coins (they are a little tricky for him to pick up) to give them to the adult without prompting. ( 15 months)
3) Observed behavior: When held near a wall mounted lamp, small child to reaches to the light, yet drops his hands suddenly when told "You can't touch that because it is hot," and shows no more interest in touching the light. (< 16 months)
I think I am seeing something out of the ordinary. Or has it just been a long time since I was around small kids/sponges?