Why yes, it really does. Seashell Sonata is a good example!
Here's Bailey's top. I made it for her last year. I knit it in the round with size 4mm needles. It was made from 2 balls of yarn (she was 6; I didn't really need to use a lot) and I only had to engineer the yarn a little bit at the one join.
This weekend, I started Soleil for DD #1. I was sure she'd LOVE the mix of khaki and blue. I got out my 2.5mms, and cast on. And I ended up with a lovely blend, and not a whole lot of splotchy-poo. Well, I screwed up my Soleil cast-on and twisted it. I discovered this about 1 1/2" in. Much swearing. I changed my mind and picked up Chicknits Ribby Tank. It's Soleil, with ribs. Frankly, I am in no shape to seriously figure out the math and all that mess. This eyepatch makes me stupid. (Ok, maybe it just reveals the stupidity....)

I cast on Ribby. I worked my obligatory bottom rib with 2.5s, then I switched sizes to 4mm very obediently when Bonnie said to switch. Pssht. Seashell started in with her old tricks. No prob, I thought, I'll just alternate balls of yarn every other round. So I labored up another 4".

This morning, I took a good look at what I was doing and thought !@#$?? Man, I sure am working hard for no good reason! So I switched BACK to the 2.5mms. It looks better, and it's less work. I am not gonna frog it. I am not going to do squat except pick the side that swirls better for the front. I am not going to call this "I screwed up"; this is called waist shaping.
That's my story and I am sticking to it.
sometimes we just have to go with the flow, the colors are peaceful and soothing so go with the positive and enjoy the ride
Bets, why do you use metric needle sizes there in TX? Enquiring minds and all.
It'll work out. Stick to the story for sure. Bri
I use Inoxes, Joan, and that's how they are marked. I really don't want to know I am using US2s, or whatever.
Maybe the color swirls would be less if you worked one skein from the 'other' end, so that the color runs worked in opposite directions??
I hope you're feeling better, and I have to say that DD#1 is going to like the tank, and the colors are great.
Great colors. Waist shaping is good. Smart of you to accomplish it by needle changes. ;-}
Between bra-lgebra and the excellent "Bets-initions" of knitting, I feel totally capable of achieving bra and knitting nirvana :).
Barbara, starting with one skein from the opposite end would still have me knitting from two balls when I don't need to.
Glad you feel capable, Karin! ;-) Wouldn't have it any other way!!!
did you get your bella yet? do you love it? I hope so because...well crap..because I fell down and ordered some too...and some other stuff from there. god i'm so impulsive when i'm tired.
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