I have one more MRI at noon today. In the meantime, I think I've figured this out. Despite all my protestations, I think this really IS a case of bad sinuses. I know I'm not snotty, I know I can smell, I know I am not congested. And THAT'S the problem. Before Christmas, I was SICK. Sicker than I've been in years. Cough-cough, choke-choke sick. But I never spit anything up. No slimey chunks, no nothing. Mark got me a chest expectorant that I used for a little while, until I figured out that products that expel mucous worked hell on my sensitive stomach.
When I started getting headaches in January, I TOOK decongestants. And February too. But in March, my sinuses said to hell with this, and started to swell, hence the numbness. The swelling really amped up when I tried the netti pot with lukewarm water. THAT'S when I had my aha moment. All the irritation is pressing against my facial nerves, and THAT is affecting my vision.
So I have to figure out how to clear this out...I think I'll try irrigating with cool salt solution, taking the damned expectorant, and hitting it hard this weekend. I'm worried that if I don't do this quickly, I will permanently impair my eyesight.
On the knitting front, I just fell down HARD and bought three sweaters worth of Plymouth Bella . It's on sale, it's large gauge cotton/acrylic, it comes in multicolors, and it's 1.99. That's pretty hard for me to ignore. I've never bought anything from this company, so I hope they are decent with shipping and all. I bought Earth, Watercolor Earth, Black and Tawny Fawn to throw all together in a JOMR top...good for black pants and khaki shorts. I bought Lavendar and Lace because I am a sucker for blue/grey combos...in my closet, that means it's neutral. And I bought Art Deco because it's pretty, dammit.
"落とす目” “DROP STITCH”
2 days ago
Oooohhh...i love that discontinued yarn place...and did you see that chunky silk/wool variagated...she swoons....i declaya i might have to have me some of that too....great score and so glad that this is your sinuses and not your smart creative little brain.
Teeth gritting here. Pretty, pretty yarns, lovely price. Not buying yarn today. Not buying yarn. Not. Buying. Yarn.
I hope your new therapy will help. I send masses of sympathy. I was born with sinusitis, I think. At least, the doctor who delivered me and was my MD through junior high said 'First I smacked you on the butt and then I blew your nose.' I shoulda bought stock in Kleenex.
Wishing you luck on the sinus thing. I tried the nose hosing myself without much success (drug store version no turkey baster) and am now four days after a sinus op for my right-side only allergies. It took a major fit throwing to get to an ENT.
i have calcified sinuses and can't smell, countless infections since age12 and then it becomes repiratory, brochitis and pneumonia. Tom swears by lukewarm salt water but I buy a spray called OCean, Since I have been taking COLD MD I haven't had a sniffle all winter and for me thats so unusual Love your yarn purchases!!!
I know you have tried everything, but did you try warm, moist compresses to your face? Worth a try. I have used the Plymouth Bella, in the same pretty blue colorway you show at the bottom. I made baby and girl hats, and they turned out cute as can be.
You temptress you. What a great price. I love the color combos. Wish I had something in mind I could knit with it.
Thanks for the link
I hope you are better soon.
You are sounding fiesty and buying yarn. Both good signs that you must be feeling better?
Sorry you've been having such a time of it with sinuses! Another anecdotal story...just ignore if it doesn't apply. My DH prior to being tested for allergies used to have sinus infections all the time. He was taking antibiotics so much he felt like cattle. It turned out he had seasonal allergies all 4 seasons...mold spores, tree pollen, ANY kind of pollen, grass, cat dander, dust, etc. Allergy shots really helped. After a couple years of shots, didn't need them anymore and now just gets by on an occasional Sudafed. It is scary about your eyesight, I assume the opthamologist is still on your case? What a score on the Bella yarn, looks beautiful, and just right for your climate! I'll be waiting for your report on how it knits up, the chainette construction looks interesting.
I woke up this morning thinking "Crap, I've made 3 tams, and am almost done with Baby Surprise."
This has really put a crimp in my knitting. At least now, I am not scared, and know what I have to do.
And I need to make something pretty this last week.
Feel better, Bets. I know you're just tired of all this. I imagine two airplane flights didn't help the situation any.
That yarn is so tempting, I'll just let you tell me about it. ;-}
A diagnosis and new yarn. I really think you are going to be well in a matter of time, which is great news. bri
Had I not had gruesome personal experiences with the havoc wreaked by sinus infections, I'd have found it hard to believe it was such a mundane diagnosis myself. But at least you had a complete medical tests that you wouldn't normally have had and all is clear. It's a good thing, as my favorite felon would say.
Gorgeous yarn colors too.
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