I rewarped the loom, using 10/2 cotton and Colinette Skye scraps. The Skye is aran weight, and I can't get it thru all the holes in the heddle, only the slots between.
As it turns out, THAT gives it a couched appearance. I got out the pick-up stick, and played with that a little, so now you can actually tell that the Skye has rich, variegated colors. I am using Elann Alpaca; for some reason, I had a lone ball of Old Rose.
I am learning that crisp selvedges happen when you beat the fabric evenly.
So jealous! I want to weave, but can't justify one. more. craft.!!
The golfer is doing well. She placed 2nd on her team and they won the match!
looks to me like you are picking this up quite quickly. good on ya!
So? it looks good, are you happy? There is a lot of lee way for using up tons of variegated yarns with this, and faster and faster depending on the instrument, but are you happy?
Cool! And looking good! Now you have to divide your time between this, that, and the other thing.
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