Friday, March 30, 2007
Wren Along 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Is it colorful, or does it scream "I'm a KNITTER"??
Donation, Soulumination, and I am a big chicken!
This morning, Austermann Pharao was on sale at Elann. My friend Shui Kuen (designer of several of Elann's patterns) just finished a Swallowtail in Pharao. I wonder what it would look like to knit Pharao up using small beads in place of the blasted nupps. I ordered a little dark green, and some ballet pink, just two shawlettes worth.
Shortly after that, I found Lynette Huffman Johnson's photos of my friends Camari and Brian. Lynette has a job that is both beautiful and terrifying; as the founder of Soulumination, she takes photos of terminally ill children. I've known Camari and Brian since 1986, and have lost and regained contact several times during the past 21 years. Lynette took some wonderful pictures of Camari.
This helped me make up my mind. If my friend can struggle through cancer TWICE, the least I can do is knit up 600 measly yards of cotton, don't you think?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Size matters!

I cast on Ribby. I worked my obligatory bottom rib with 2.5s, then I switched sizes to 4mm very obediently when Bonnie said to switch. Pssht. Seashell started in with her old tricks. No prob, I thought, I'll just alternate balls of yarn every other round. So I labored up another 4".

Monday, March 26, 2007
I've noticed this same phenomena in bra shopping. In my 20s and 30s, I looked for a small but mighty size...little band, respectable cup. The bra itself didn't really matter, because I wore BDUs all the time. When I hit my 40s and retired, DD#1 took a manager's position with Victoria's Secret. Suddenly, I had to make the breasticles look presentable under business attire, and I had to support DD's career choices. Those bras were uncomfortable, and the girls never looked all that good!
I am up 3 dress sizes from the size I was 20 years ago, but I just didn't think to adjust my bra size accordingly. I adjusted it, but not properly. Apparently, 85% of us wear the wrong size. One of my friends had her own Oprah-style bra intervention last summer, and said she was really glad she'd done it.
I noticed that Sierra Trading Post had Oprah's Bra on sale at half off regular retail, so I finally got out the tape measure, and had my own little intervention. (You know that I am a cheapskate, don't look surprised that I waited til the bra was on sale! Regular retail is a lot of yarn money.)
Gasp. I want to run away. (We all know that a 32C is roughly similar to a 34B, cup-wise. Using the same formula, my 3 extra dress sizes have me wondering if they make plus-sized AAAs!) Sob. I don't feel skinnier, I don't feel sexier. I have a deflated ego, but the girls are organized, and my bra is a heck of a lot more comfortable!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
What a beautiful color...!
I stumbled a little starting Soleil. For a few minutes, the yarn told me it wanted to be a Lace-up Tank so I swatched it. After finishing Lady E, I wasn't really keen on starting another modular project. To my relief, my single square did not "Wow" me. (Notice I only did one square!!)
It's funny how slow I knit with an eye patch. Peculiar, not ha-ha.
Friday, March 23, 2007
I think I've figured it out.....
When I started getting headaches in January, I TOOK decongestants. And February too. But in March, my sinuses said to hell with this, and started to swell, hence the numbness. The swelling really amped up when I tried the netti pot with lukewarm water. THAT'S when I had my aha moment. All the irritation is pressing against my facial nerves, and THAT is affecting my vision.
So I have to figure out how to clear this out...I think I'll try irrigating with cool salt solution, taking the damned expectorant, and hitting it hard this weekend. I'm worried that if I don't do this quickly, I will permanently impair my eyesight.
On the knitting front, I just fell down HARD and bought three sweaters worth of Plymouth Bella . It's on sale, it's large gauge cotton/acrylic, it comes in multicolors, and it's 1.99. That's pretty hard for me to ignore. I've never bought anything from this company, so I hope they are decent with shipping and all. I bought Earth, Watercolor Earth, Black and Tawny Fawn to throw all together in a JOMR top...good for black pants and khaki shorts. I bought Lavendar and Lace because I am a sucker for blue/grey my closet, that means it's neutral. And I bought Art Deco because it's pretty, dammit.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So guess what DH has been calling me?
The good news-no aneurysm, no tumor. The bad news....I went to the opthamologist today, and he basically said "WTF??" This seems to be inconsistent with everything he's used to seeing.
I had an MRI done yesterday. They looked at my brain, and didn't find a damned thing. (HAR DEE HAR) So I have to go back and get another done, with and without contrast media, so he can look at the orbit.
Both Chris and Enid suggested I look into a netti pot, in case it really did have something to do with my sinuses. So I googled THIS and just about crapped. Watching the video is like watching a train just gotta. And I said "EWWWWW" the whole time it played. But what the heck, how's it gonna hurt? So I found my turkey baster and went to town. Can't get it to go out my other nostril...I'll bet she has a stunt nose...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I can barely knit
Friday, March 16, 2007
Trouble on the knit horizon
I ran across this little blurb "...the charming Rat acquires a large number of acquaintances, but only a select few ever make it to the Rat's inner circle. For them, he will do almost anything. For everyone else, it's just business." HAHAHA! I think it's very apt.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
In which Betsy meets the giant TSA monster...
Fast-forward 36 hours. She unpacked her carry-on, which she later decided to tuck into a box because it would be more streamlined at the airport. Her small bag was nowhere to be found. Horrors! Every parental scolding she ever heard came stampeding back into her head. She was crushed, mortified and just plain felt like hell.
She contacted the TSA, the behemouth agency brought about by 9-11. The TSA agent swore that people who open bags MUST leave a note. And that she should take it up with the airline, because TSA wasn't responsible.
She called the airline baggage service. She talked to a person who took down her flight info, who went to the ramp lost and found, who filed a claim for her.
While she was on the phone, someone called on the other line. Since she actually had a real body who was attempting to help her, she stayed with the current call.
After ending her call, she checked her messages, and it was her niece, who had found the bag UNDER some laundry baskets.
Boys and girls, there are a few morals to this story-
1) Betsy can't aim for shit. No surprise it didn't make it into her luggage. She doesn't play soft-ball, darts, pool or golf, and is no longer responsible for an M-16, so the free world is safe.
2) I honestly thought my best bets on recovering these items were to a) work fast, b) check out Craiglist and ebay, and c) try to get to people on a personal level. I was not interested in being reimbursed by a claim, I wanted my stuff. All the women I spoke to on the phone did their best to help me. A teary woman calling to say she lost her mother's engagement ring strikes a chord.
3) I have little faith in the statement that the TSA is REQUIRED to leave a note if they access your luggage. On a good day, an honest person can be distracted, on a bad day, a thief won't leave a note.
4) Pay attention to this when you pack your luggage. Pay attention to this when you pack your luggage. Pay attention to this when you pack your luggage.
5) My friends offered to say prayers to Saint Anthony, Baby Jesus, and the Guy Upstairs. I have good friends.
Listening to: Guess Who's Share the Land, and marveling over Burton Cummings' voice.
Blue Day
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Project critique
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Shibori and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

I have to felt the bejezus out of it, and put in a drawstring.
I'm back

Friday, March 02, 2007
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program....
As a PS at 10:30 at night, after a long day... my little brother told me that several years ago, my father predicted his death as March 3, 2007. I didn't know my father had a shine.
It looks much cuter on Margaux!
YAY! My scarf pattern "Linked" is available on Elann! I gotta say, it looks much cuter on Margaux than it does me. I REALLY liked this combination of yarns...the Elann Pamir is deep, dark, dense and fuzzy, and the chainette Champagne just leaps right off and gleams! I really liked the black with the gold, but when I added the silver, holy smokes. It looked hot!
I must say, I was really relieved when I saw the pictures....I have really short arms, and I was afraid it would be too short for Margaux. What a relief that it was ok on her wingspan.